All Value Types Have a Default Constructor

All built-in value types in C# support a default (parameterless) constructor using the new keyword.  The default constructor allows you to instantiate an object such that it takes on a default value.
You’d normally instantiate one of the built-in types by giving  the associated variable a value.  But it’s also possible to use the new keyword to cause the variable to take on a default value.
int i;          // Not instantiated yet
int n1 = 12;    // Instanatiated, w/value of 12
int n2 = new int();   // Instantiated, w/default value
The default values for the built-in value types are:

  • bool type = false
  • Numeric types (e.g. int, float) = 0 or 0.0
  • char type = single empty character
  • DateTime type = 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM