Escape Sequences in String Literals

C# allows embedding special (often non-printable) characters into a string literal using an escape sequence.  An escape sequence is a series of characters that begins with a backslash (\), followed by one or more letters or digits.
Here’s an example of embedding several newline characters into a string, so that it’s printed on three different lines.
Console.Write("First line\nSecond line\nThird line\n");     // 3 lines
Full list of escape sequences in C#:
  • \a  -  Bell (alert)
  • \b  -  Backspace
  • \f  -  Formfeed
  • \n  -  New line
  • \r  -  Carriage return
  • \t  -  Horizontal tab
  • \v  -  Vertical tab
  • \’  -  Single quote
  • \”  -  Double quote
  • \\  -  Backslash
  • (Backslash followed by 0) – Null
  • \xhh  -  ASCII character in hex
  • \xhhhh  -  Unicode character in hex
  • \uhhhh – Unicode character  (4-byte)
  • \Uhhhhhhhh – Unicode surrogate pair (8-byte)